IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!!!!!!!!! I'VE WAITED 2 SEASONS- actually its more like one and a half- FOR JASON AND CHARLIE TO BE TOGETHER. 2 SEASONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BUT DO THE WRITERS CARE?! You know how I KNOW THEY DON'T CARE because 5-13-13's episode of REVOLUTION- the greatest show to hit NBC- Jason and Charlie finally kiss. Then previews for the next episode clearly state that they are gonna kiss in the next episode but then Miles is gonna blame Jason for like 10 deaths of some people and Charlie- of course- is gonna believe him. But now that I sit here and think about it. The answer was in the 5-13-13's episode.
IT WAS TOM! adhwuqahrjlawbnjsfhasorkqwrju3q059237arjk3hf8ugekwjn5t8
Tom killed those men, then he framed Jason because he didn't want Jason and Charlie together. Tom is a selfish son of a ....... biscuit and he deserves to die alone. Just because he saved Jason one time, proves nothing but that he didn't want Jason's mom to kill him. HA! But if Tom really is the person who framed him... he better hope I don't find him. Because character or not, if I ever see Tom in this lifetime I'M GONNA KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was already about to kill him for previous things he did, but now DEATH IS COMING FOR YOU TOM, DEATH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so freakin upset, I don't know what to do.
Okay, *BREATHE*, I'm good. I'm just gonna post this... stay tuned so that I can give you readers a proper rundown on one of my favorite shows
It's obvious they should be together. If the writers break them up after one episode I'm going to get really angry and send a very wordy letter to them, including a few hundred *'s. You get my drift.
GOD, I LOVE HIM !!!!!!!!
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