Okay who, like me, loved all the Iron Man movies. The were funny, action-packed, and had romance. Ahhh, romance. The first movie was AMAZING and didn't need another one. The second one was... really no words can explain the AWESOMENESS of that movie.
Now- don't hate me- but at first, I didn't want anything to do with the new Iron Man. I mean why does he need another one.
He was already in The Avengers- which was just a beautiful movie- and his two other movies. I mean come on NO ONE that popular but I was wrong.
So, Iron Man 3... is looking FREACKIN AMAZING!!!!
Check out the trailer. It come out today April 3, 2013. I'm hoping to see it but knowing my track record it's not gonna happen.
And if I watched the trailer correctly, it seems the love of Tony's life gets a suite also.
I'm just praying that this movie turns out good because if it doesn't I'm going to have to start swinging at innocent bystanders and I just don't want to go to jail ;)
So watch the movie and tell me what you think. I may just be going crazy but I've got to see this because my fan-girl radar is through the roof!!!!!!!!
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