Hey boys and girls,
Guess who is back for another enlightening rundown on- the greatest show on NBC- Revolution
Last night, Revolution came on after a life changing episode of The Voice.
Last week, on Revolution
- Charlie and Jason finally got together
- Nora was captured by Monroe
- Rachel hit a man over the head after lying to him that they had the tech to save his son after he found them in a computer store where Aaron followed “THE BOOK’S” introductions to reprogram the thing that Rachel cut out of Danny after he died
- Monroe’s people blew up The Rebels base camp, causing major damage to The Rebels people and Jason. It also caused Charlie to be trapped under a fallen building.

And I think that was it… now this weeks

During all this Jason and Charlie are together. It’s so cute and AWESOME until things take a turn for the worst
The man that rescued Nora also informed Miles that Monroe was going after Rachel. So- of course- Jason, Charlie, Tom, Miles,Nora, Jim and that man ( who I just found out is named John) plus two other people set off to rescue Rachel and Aaron
On the other side, Monroe has sent up base at the tower’s entrance and tries to get Randall- who is already on death row- to open the door. Randall failed. I don’t know nor do I care if Monroe killed Randall or not. During this time, in the nearby forest Rachel and Aaron watch Monroe and try to develop a plan.

Now with Miles and the crew things get BAD. They have to land the helicopter because it ran out of fuel. They landed in an abandon airport like place. Everyone set out to find fuel. They started with 9 people then went to 8. Next thing you know they are down to 7. Everyone is blaming the other. Miles collects everyone’s weapons to prevent another attack, and by this time Nora is missing. Miles being the love-struck idiot we all know and love sets out to find his drugged Nora. When he comes back with Nora everyone starts blaming her because she has a cut arm and no memory. Miles defends her. Then Jason and Miles find the knife in Jason’s jacket pocket. Jason was all like “I didn’t do it. Charlie tell him I didn’t do it” and Charlie just starred at him. I was all like “OMG Charlie what are you doing he didn’t do it.” Miles got angry because they we stranded- did I forget to mention that someone messed with the cords of the helicopter. Jason ran for his life, Miles chased, and Tom and Charlie chased Miles but then Tom and Charlie both stopped. When Miles enters a room looking for Jason, things become clear. John shows Miles proof of who is to blame for the deaths of two men and then Jim shoots John. So yes… Jim was the killer. Did you see it coming because I didn’t. Then Jim and Miles have a confrontation. Turns out that Jim has been working for Monroe for a while now because Monroe has his wife or ex-wife ( there relationship isn’t really determined). Jim and Miles fight, Jason comes out of

The part that got me upset is not the cliff hanger but the fact that Jason and Charlie did in fact break-up. Not for the reason I thought but they did. So writers of Revolution listen up if Jason and Charlie don’t get back together by the end of the season we going to have some issues.
Oh and a major detail I found out… Revolution only has 2 more episodes until the season finally and I really hope they don’t end it in a cliff-hanger. I seriously have become attached to all things Revolution, if they season ends wrong I just… I just don’t know what I will do.
Okay well that’s all I have to say on the subject. Hope you caught this amazing episode because they are only 2 more to go

PS: I want more if this: Jason and Charlie LOVE no HATE
PSS: I just like to mention even when he just finished killing someone, losing his girlfriend- who he has liked since the beginning- and being blamed to crimes he didn’t do, Jason looks sexy as I don’t know what.
PSSS: I still think they is something MAJORLY wrong with Nora because just before John went to look for fuel, he gave Nora the “Shh” sign. Now I can’t tell if it was her drugged mind that saw it or her real one. And now that John is dead, I fear Nora will lose control over her mind and do something crazy. Let's justhope I am wrong-very, very wrong.