Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Teen Wolf- Chaos Rising


Hey people, how are your summer going? Good, great awful, or all of the above. Mine’s cool, I guess, but that isn't the point of today’s post. Today we are here to talk about one of the greatest shows ever. Teen Wolf. asd

I watched episode 2 last night on the internet. And it was okay. Not as good as the first one. Honestly, I felt that this episode was a branch to whatever is about to happen in the 3rd episode.

I watched it on link last time. Only this time, there were commercials. Even the other people who commented wanted to know why there were commercials. But its cool, the episode was still good- not great but good.

So, the search for Boyd and Erica is still on. On this episode, Derek, Derek’s uncle, Scott, and Stiles are closer than ever to finding Boyd and Erica. With the help from Alison- even though Derek, Scoot, and Stile don’t know that- the team goes on a bank heist. Only this time they aren’t stilling money.

And that’s all I’m going to tell you because this episode gave up a lot of secrets. Like some people coming back from the dead, others dying, others almost dying, some not turning, and the creepy blind werewolf is still in action. Seriously, what is his deal? And my main question is… Why do they really want Scott.

Hopefully, all answers will be revealed in the upcoming episodes.

So like promised here is a link to the episode- but be warned there are commercials

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