Friday, June 28, 2013

Doctor NO WAY Who

This is just a quick post that I had to get out.

I've been watching Doctor Who and if you don't know this show you should. It's on Netflix look it up! Anyway this is a major spoiler that you shouldn't read if you have no idea who River Song is because let me tell you OMG. I did and didn't see that major detail coming- I can't freackin believe it. River Song- ooh she is GOOD. I'm sorry this post may make no sense I just had to fan-girl my feels. If you know what I'm talking about tell me how you felt in the comments; if you don't go find out!!!!


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Teen Wolf EP: 3 and 4

Teen wolf is slowly coming along as we wait to see what this alpha pack is really up to. I like to make a note that it seems we have a Teen Wolf team splinting into teams. Derek and his sister, then Boyd, then Stiles and Lydia, then Scoot, Isaac and sometimes Alison. And let us not forget the all knowing vet and Alison's dad, Oh, and that creepy teacher/ guidance counselor. Anyway as usual, the episodes are located on MTV and they still have commercial.

Now, as any show should, there are rumors of a love triangle between Alison, Isaac, and Scott. Based on what I've seen so far there is a possibility but I think it may be one sided. Personally I am a Scott and Alison fan all the way even through they break up and get but together at least once every season. If they kept this up the viewers won't have to worry about any triangles because they would already know the answer. Scoot and Alison forever.

Well that is all I have for today- I know it's a bit short from my usual but these two episodes are seriously emotionally draining. Check them out
Episode 4

Episode 3

PEACE be with you

Wednesday, June 12, 2013



OMG, guess what I’ve been watching. I was on Netflix a111nd I found this show called Roswell.

It’s about this girl who was shot then her friend used his alien powers to save her. Next thing you know people are dying, are being tricked, then are getting married. It’s a whole lot of everything I love put into one show.

There is 3 seasons and like 20 episodes each season and I love it to death- you don’t even known. I watched all of it and love it all.

Like I said it is on Netflix and if you like shows with action, romance, and unnatural creatures you need to watch this show. It’s an alien/human series that was made around the time of Buffy the Vampire Slayer- you know back when the shows used to be different and epic.

Here are a few more pics of the show.

1111Here are pics of the cast. This show is just AWESOME and should be watched by everyone and if you find any shows are movies similar to this one, let me know11111

Teen Wolf- Chaos Rising


Hey people, how are your summer going? Good, great awful, or all of the above. Mine’s cool, I guess, but that isn't the point of today’s post. Today we are here to talk about one of the greatest shows ever. Teen Wolf. asd

I watched episode 2 last night on the internet. And it was okay. Not as good as the first one. Honestly, I felt that this episode was a branch to whatever is about to happen in the 3rd episode.

I watched it on link last time. Only this time, there were commercials. Even the other people who commented wanted to know why there were commercials. But its cool, the episode was still good- not great but good.

So, the search for Boyd and Erica is still on. On this episode, Derek, Derek’s uncle, Scott, and Stiles are closer than ever to finding Boyd and Erica. With the help from Alison- even though Derek, Scoot, and Stile don’t know that- the team goes on a bank heist. Only this time they aren’t stilling money.

And that’s all I’m going to tell you because this episode gave up a lot of secrets. Like some people coming back from the dead, others dying, others almost dying, some not turning, and the creepy blind werewolf is still in action. Seriously, what is his deal? And my main question is… Why do they really want Scott.

Hopefully, all answers will be revealed in the upcoming episodes.

So like promised here is a link to the episode- but be warned there are commercials

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

TEEN WOLF…. it’s back, baby!!!

Okay people how many Teen Wolf fans do I have out there?
I am  a die hard Teen Wolf fan but with no cable I was unable to get the important information about season 3
Season 3 of Teen wolf is on people and it’s epic. I watched the first episode on MTV.
If you want to watch it you should go to the link provided at the end of this post because there are no commercials.
The episodes’ summary
In the season premiere, a new Alpha Pack arrives to wreak havoc on Scott's life while Derek and Isaac struggle to locate Erica and Boyd
The episode was beyond EPIC. I loved it beginning to end. The writers of Teen Wolf have come back for the hearts of all Teen Wolf fans and they are taking prisoners by the hundreds. Hopefully I’ll be able to give you weekly updates of season 3 but we will have to wait and see what happens.
Season 3 first some on June 3.
This season’s episodes will show on Mondays.
Next episode is supposed to next our socks off, so I’ll we can do is bite our nails and wait.
PS: I’ll just like to note it seems that all of the male characters in Teen Wolf have worked hard on their muscular figures.
Look at him go! YUM!!!!
I know for fact that Scott is looking YUMMY to the max. I seriously had to fan myself when I saw him doing pull-up with one arm while reading a book. He has a mission to be a better everything and get Alison back and as long as he keeps doing whatever it is he is doing he could do whatever he wants- long as his shirt comes off in the posses ;D.
Okay, so check out the first episode on this link

I will try to post the links that send you directly to the video each week.
Stay tuned for season 3 of Teen Wolf it ‘bout to be epic

The end of Revolution- season 2


This episode is called  Black Tower . It came on June 3, 2013. It will forever be known as the best Revolution episode so far. It is also the 20th episode on the second season- if you wanted to know.


Note: I wrote this while watching the show so this review is written in the order it happened on the show

Note II: I don’t know why but all the characters now have bad grammar and kind of talk like TV gangsters. It’s not my fault, it just how I remember the scenes going ;).

Note III: This is a revisit to the WARNING mentioned above. This will give you a semi-actuate timeline of what happened and I will try my hardest not to make it confusing because this episode had a lot happening at one time. Okay you’re ready. Good Luck.

Note IV: Last week we learn that if the lights are cut back on there is a 50/50 chance the world will blow-up.


So it would seem that Miles, Monroe, and Nora are teaming up for the run of their lives from the people of Level 11. If you watched the pervious episode then you may or may not already known this but the people of Level 11 has introduced our normal characters to show new guns. These guns are new, improved, and awesome. Seriously, they kill in one shot.qwertyu

(This picture shown is Monroe with one of these new guns. Pretty sweet, right?)



So Team Run (Miles, Monroe ,and Nora) go into this sewer. Then an Level 11 person blows up the pipe Team Run was walking on. Team Run are pushed into the rushing current and 2 of the 3 don’t come up.

Okay you may or may have guessed but I didn’t see the episode before this. All I saw was the preview to it which had Jason being captured by Monroe’s people. Then, God graces me with the sight of my dear, sweet Jason, alive and well plus working for the wrong side AGAIN. And I also see Tom- who should have already been dead- alive and murderously insane as ever.

Back with Team Run

We see the Miles and Monroe are washed ashore.Then Monroe attacks Miles. Then I believe that the writers answer my prayers because one of Monroe’s people shoot at him- with a regular gun- but sadly he misses. But CHECK THAT Monroe. As Miles and Monroe battle again, we are gifted with a flashback


Mile’s birthday.Miles and Monroe celebrate at a bar. They remember past birthdays then are blown up. BAM!!!!


Don’t get me wrong there is an conversation but I just didn’t write it down


Back with Team 2 (Aaron, Rachel, Charlie)

Aaron found out that he quote unquote “wrote the tower’s operating system” and he freaked.

Grace shows us her mean side because he usual sweet self doesn’t make an appearance as she talks to Aaron on Level 11

When we go back to Tom and Jason we see Jason standing up to his father- once again. I’m calling in the “Tom and Jason confrontation.” During the confrontation Tom asks Jason for help. The man even says please.It was then that I knew the world was about to end. And Jason being the sweet, in-love-with-Charlie guy  he is says something on the lines “… whatever happens in there I want Charlie alive and her mother.” Then Tom was all like “Fine”. Then I was all like “he’s lying” and I like to think that Jason knew that. HOPEFULLY!!! 

Back with Team 2

Rachel and Grace are talking-yet again-about turning the lights back on. There we find out that Grace also lost a baby before the Black Out. Plus we learn or relearn that Danny was born 3 months earlier than his due date and his lungs weren’t fully developed. This explains a lot we didn’t know about Danny ( a moment of silence for the fallen hero ………… Thank you)


Rachel then knocked out Gracie the old fashion way ( cloth in the face and no way to breathe) after she wouldn’t agree to let her, Charlie and Aaron go down to Level 12

Team 2 got a card to unlock the door and are on their way up to LEVEL 12 to turn on the lights (OMG only 19 minutes in)


Back with Miles and Monroe

Miles escapes Monroe


When this flashback starts we are with Nora and Miles in Miles’ room. Then Monroe walks his evil self right on in. Monroe tells Miles and Nora that it was a rebel who sent the bomb. He then explains how he killed the rebel, his wife, and his kids. With a few questions in-between from Miles


You may or may not have already known this but Monroe’s has got some serious EVIL MAD STYLE.

This is a picture of Miles and Monroe in Mile’s room qwert

This is a picture of Miles, Monroe, and Nora in Miles room after the bombing while Monroe explains what he did to the rebel


Back with Team 2

Level 11 people are looking for Team 2. While hiding, Team 2 meets up with Nora.

Back with Miles and Monroe

Monroe runs up and jumps Miles. It was then I truly learned that Monroe had “separation issues” ( poor baby). Anyway Miles pushes him off. Then Monroe is all like “let’s finish this”. But Miles is all like no. Then Monroe says he wants an explanation as to why Miles is trying to kill him and has almost killed him twice. Miles gives an explanation. Then Monroe replies that all he ever wanted to do was watch Miles’ back- like a brother and Miles just gives him the  “your got a crazy way of showing it face” Monroe and Miles are then captured and attacked by Monroe’s people.

Back with Team 2 and Nora. Nora and Rachel are talking. Here is basically how the scene went.

Nora: You love him?

Rachel: No I don’t. I can’t. blah blah blah

Nora: Yes, you do. It’s written all over your face.

Rachel: Umm…

Nora: It’s cool. He loves you too. He won’t admit it though. But he’d choose you ever time.

scene over

Back with Miles and Monroe

Monroe is taken to Tom

Tom and Monroe have a moment that is funny if anything else. Here is my version of how the scene went

Tom: Yo bro..There’s been a change in management

Monroe: nah duh

And cue commercial

````````````````~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(32 minutes in)

Tom’s people blow up the door into the tower

Back with Tom and Miles

Monroe: Imma kill you

Tom: you are foolish and have a boarder line insanity thing toward Miles. You are the definition of crazy

Monroe: Then kill me

Tom: nah, I’ll just  have a long monologue before that happens

scene over

Back in the tower

Level 11’s people all have guns. As they slowly walk towards the hiding Team 2 they find Nora’s bomb.But of course, Nora has backup plan.In other words, Level 11 people go BOAM!!!! Sadly Nora gets hurt in the process.

Miles and Monroe in the tent where Tom is keeping Monroe tried up

Miles is back. Monroe is a shaking because Miles has a knife/ dagger thing right at his throat

And here is how that went down

Miles: you asked why I try to kill you but you should ask me why I cant…. we are still brother.. I still hate you but it’s never going to change the facts.

Then,Miles set Monroe free. Monroe is shocked but then he gets to steppin- which means he starts running for his life.

Back in the tower

Question: Who has now joined the party in the Tower?

Answer: Jason, Tom and his people

Back in the Tower with Team 2

Newsflash: Nora is going to die

the scene basically went like this

Rachel: I have to go to Level 12 with Aaron and leave Nora

Charlie: yeah, no

Rachel: were doing it for Danny

Charlie: Danny is dead mom. I'm here and asking for your help

Rachel: I’m still going. Aaron you need to come with me please

Nora: go save the world I can die, its for the cause


Aaron: Goodbye


And commercial…. plus preview to World War Z which looks epic but of course it would, it has Brad Pitt.


Nora: you should leave me because I don’t want you to see me die

Charlie: nah I’ll stay

And in walks an attacker

The attacker is hitting and throwing Charlie across the room. As the attacker squeezes the life out of Charlie, Miles runs in and saves the day. Then, he sees Nora.

And that went like this

Nora: leave me

Miles: no

Nora: yes. Rachel needs you

Miles: look at me. I'm not leave’n you.

And as they rush to the hospital wing Nora dies in his arms.qw


Then Miles starts crying, next is Charlie, and now is the rest of the world including me.Miles gives her the last kiss



Back into the action

Tom and team hit level 12

Aaron and Rachel hit level 12

Charlie and Miles hit level 12

Tom says something, then Aaron says something funny. It looks like there was about to be a battle but then we see that Miles has a gun

Can you guess who won that?

Aaron, Rachel, Miles, and Charlie are now in the Operating Room

  • Aaron does his computer thing
  • Miles is zoned out pepsqwe
  • Aaron pushes enter




Then a black screen comes on and I nearly scream my family’s ears off.

When it comes back on from commercial we see that the lights are back on…. EVERYWHERE. Fans, radios … everything is turning back on. The down side- now tanks and choppers are up and running

Aaron was all like “it worked”.

It gives a quick scene of Monroe in the middle of a weird lightening storm without the rain part.

Back in the Operating Room Rachel turns to Charlie and Miles.

Rachel: I'm sorry bout Nora

Charlie: Whatever.

Then the team sees Randal into the room next door. The room I’m calling the power room

Randal is crazy. He pressed the red button. Then, shoots the red button which makes rockets hit the air. His crazy takeover plan is in action. Then he talks to Rachel for a while. Next thing we know he shoots himself in the head.

We are then taken to a new scene where a new guy we’ve never seen, in a suit, says something along the lines of “Randal has done it. Time to go home, Mr. President. The camera zooms out and shows us the US colony’s building and the fact that we go an American Flag representing for the wrong team.

That concludes the episode


OMG, I cant believe it. That episode was AMAZING. The writers threw everything at us. Seriously I may never be the same. Now we wait and see what happens next. What are some of your predictions

Revolution is really going to WAR now… BRING IT ON

But I warn you now, this about to get Messy.

This is t star signing out PEACE and get luck living through this.