Those of Demon Blood are going crazy. Seriously nothing in this episode is sane.
This contains spoilers and is in no order.
First, if you don't fill like reading, you can hear my review:
Or read it whichever...
This episode starts with yet another Climon scene.
I know producers like to capitalize on drama but does this couple make sense to anyone at all. There was an intense Clace scene which clearly made Clary uncomfortable so Climon left Hunter's Moon
DRAMA!!!! Anyway, Climon finds a body which starts this whole drama. The main point of this episode is that Shadowhunters are being killed and the Clave blames the Downworlders which the evidence technically points to but I don't believe it.
On the Simon front, a lot is happening for our favorite nerd. A bunch of vamps want to join the clan he doesn't have. He was a very awkward bro-to-bro, father-to-boyfriend, werewolf-to-vampire type talk with Luke,
Jace and the Inquisitor locks him up for refusing to leave Clary's side, and he rocks the stage at Hunter's Moon.
As you can see the lucky one this episode was definitely him.
I was not feeling Jace this episode at all. He's all "yes,grandma", and "whatever you say grandma". Total follower and I'm not buying it. Seriously, I'm putting it back on the shelf and leaving the store. It is totally not Jace and I refuse to support this drastic change, Luckily Clary, the only one besides his Grandmother he is listening to, makes a powerful speech and Jace pulls his head out of his butt.
The Inquisitor even puts Jace in charge of the Institute but in the end he gives it to Alec because Jace will always be a solider but Alec is a leader in all sense of the world.
Max came back and will be formally trained by Izzy who is apparently like almost 95% better since she has been going to those meeting with the Mundanes. She told them she had an heroine addiction. Izzy also told Jace about her problem but that she is ready for missions.
In fear of the dying Shadowhunters, the Inquisitor wants to tag all Downworlders. Jace decides the first person should be Maia who as we know is not afraid to punch. She practices this technique by punching Jace repeatedly in the face which indirectly results in her getting tagged. Luke being of sound mind and body tries to stop the fight but... you know... stuff happens.
Malec has a fight. It's the fight we have been waiting for but weren't ready for. In order to prove that Magnus didn't kill the Shadowhunters, Alec asks for DNA.
It hurts right.
Yeah, it get better then worst. Dot visits while Magnus is all down in the dumps. They have some drinks, some laughs, some dances, and some...
Worst right. I'm happy he didn't go through with it but I will NEVER BE ABLE TO FORGET. In the end Alec asks for forgiveness because Magnus was right he should have listened to his gut.
Izzy ends up saving this day in this episode. With the help of her Seelie ex and Raphael, she tracks down the Shadowhunter killer aka Max's kidnapper. Izzy ends up killing the killer and all is right again.
Do you know why, because Jace and Maia think that it is now an appropriate time to... I can't even say it.
WHY? A girl and a boy can just be friend. They can, I've seen it. LET IT HAPPEN. I can't handle all these made up couples. STOP THE TORTURE!!!
Okay, before I begin can we take a side note and question this series so far. It seems different. The way the episodes are playing out. The season probably just needs time to get back on its feet. I love that Camsten is finally together but I don't want Stitchers to lose it's core values just because Camsten is together. A lot of shows changes after the main couple becomes a couple or breaks up. Sometimes its for the best and other times it almost ruins the show. But that is just my two sense.
This episode starts off with Kristen in a room with her mom.
Yeah you heard me- mom. It seems the Admiral came through.
Moving forward, Cameron came over to see Kristen but gets Camille who apparently is in a dire need for breakfast. Camille warns Cameron to be careful with Kristen seeing as this is her first real relationship.
There were a couple of Camsten scenes and now that Kristen is all up in her emotion, they are getting cuter and cuter.
They are like this bunny. You can't help but smile back.
Linus is on a major campaign for Ivy. I'm feeling a little crush action especially since Linus asked her out on a date. That was almost canceled because of the stitch. However, in the end, Ivy and Linus-LIVY -kept their date and hacked a cellphone. That's their new name.
Even Camille was feeling some love action with the new ME- Miss.Amanda Weston. They were getting all kinds of flirty when Camille went to the ME for some DNA results. Amanda gets Camille to meet her at a club that Amanda was DJing at. In the end they seem to be heading to couple status. Their couple name is now CAMANDA.
Everyone was basically on a crime date. Camanda, Livy, and Camsten were all out solving the stitch with a side of flirtation.
Moving passed the couples to the action of this episode.
The team is stitching into Sabine a girl who was dating a rich boy with a very powerful daddy. It turns out that Sabine was working with an Insider Trader who also ended up dead. This was all a plot to kill Sabine's boyfriend's daddy. In the end the team saves the dad.
The stitches are getting more and more intense. Now that Kristen can feel her emotions, she also feels the emotions of the people she stitches into. Let's be frank, their were a lot of sex scene in this episode and Kristen felt every one. It was funny to watch but I bet embarrassing for the parties involved
Camille and Linus are becoming great friends. Linus and Cameron are still goofy. However, something wrong is happening to Cameron that I don't full understand.
Oh, now that Maggie is head boss she appointed someone to run the lab in her absence. Personally, I would have chosen Camille but she chose Cameron just because of one slip. One moment that changed Camille's life forever and all because she wanted to be a good friend and give Ivy a chance.
In the final moments, to show Cameron that she trust him, Kristen shows Cameron her mom. Now things will start to get interesting.
That was all that happened. All and all it was an okay message.
What do you think? Would you do it for love or for money.
This episode starts once again with that weird intro.
Is this going to stay because I have to be honest I do not like it.
We begin today's drama with Val claiming to be Magnus which we, the audience, know to be true and Magnus who is actually Val goes into Magnus' apt. For now on Magnus is FakeVal because he is in Val's body and Val is FakeMagnus because he is in Magnus body.
Anyway FakeMagnus isn't happy because Azazel showed up in Magnus' apt. demanding the cup in exchange for switching Magnus and Val back to their original bodies. But FakeMagnus is all "I don't deal with demons" so it's a wonder he ever gets anything done.
This episode was great because we got a bunch of Sizzy scenes but we also got some Climon scenes. Scenes like Climon naked, in bed, together.
As you can see, I am completely not okay with this scene. Their being all flirty and kissy. If I liked them together this scene would have made my day. So for all you Climon fans.
Although Clary starts she doesn't tell Simon that Jace isn't actually her brother. And we all know why.
Plus, Simon is all jumpy because of Raphael.
The whole team is looking for Azazel. Izzy brings in Sebastian who appears to be a except on Azazel. Alec isn't feeling him which leads him to Magnus but everyone else appears to be on Team Sebastian. Alec and Izzy have a small tiff about Sebastian and the fact that Alec may be jealous that Sebastian could help Izzy where Alec couldn't. Alec calls Magnus, in order to get some help but Magnus is actually FakeMagnus so no help was provided. Alec worried because Magnus was acting weird showed up at Magnus' apt. and ended up killing Azazel with the advice given to him by Sebastian. Malec then has a cute moment but its not really Malec it's Valmagec aka Val in Magnus' body having a Malec moment.
The Inquisitor wants to test Clace's powers and Clary is for it because she wants to be able to create runes again whereas Jace is against it because he doesn't want to be used by the Clave. He goes along because Clary does. A little while later we get this AWESOME training scene.
Now it wasn't as good as the Alec and Jace training scene but I will always love any scene where Jace is looking hot and this one does just that. Clace even gets flirty with an audience. In the end, Clary can still not draw the sun rune. She tries to connect with the Inquisitor but she is still in her resolve to hate Val
FakeMagnus calls Dot, who is looking great, to teach him magic which she does because she doesn't know that FakeMagnus is actually Val.
FakeVal tries to convince Alec that he is in fact Magnus but Alec is hesitant to believe.
Here is another Magvalec scene aka Magnus in Valentine's body having a Malec moment. I think I about cried in this scene. Did you? It looked like Alec was starting to believe him. Alec talked to Jace and Jace convinced Alec that it was just Val making up a lie.
FakeVal and FakeMagnus had a talk but in the end the Inquisitor sentenced FakeVal to death and almost got away with it. If it wasn't for FakeMagnus kidnapping Jace, by tricking him into thinking Magnus wanted to create a surprise for Alec, and using Jace as leverage to get the Inquisitor to release FakeVale. As it turns out Jace is the Inquisitor's grandson.
FakeVal and FakeMagnus, in Magnus' apt., drink a potion to switch back their bodies. On the outside Sebastian, Alec, and Clary work to get inside the apt. Sebastian tries to get Clary to feel in order to regain the ability to draw runes. In the end, she does and opens the door to find Mangus and Val back in their original bodies. Clary takes Val back to his cell and all things are right.
Now the part we have all been waiting for Sizzy. We had a bunch of Sizzy moments this episode. Izzy was helping Simon try and find leverage to protect himself from Raphael. Izzy tells Simon about her problem with Vampire Venom. Simon of course offers to help. Throughout their day, Simon meets Raphael's sister, bonds with Izzy, finds out that Jace is not Clary's brother, basically tells all of vampire kind that he is a DayLighter, and finally more bonding with Izzy. This is my favorite Sizzy scene so far.
Sizzy is the most underrated and adorable couple in the series. I hope they get their limelight in the show because they were cute.
In the finally scene, Sebastian asks Clary out she of course says no because even if she wasn't dating Simon, she would be doing something with Jace, so by all accounts she is unavailable. Also Jace gets more family. YAY! Jace is now officially an Herondale and he has a family ring to prove it.
PS: "You Are Not You're Own" is completely explained because of the whole FakeMagnus/FakeVal situation.
but as you can see I am over my angry towards this particular event. This episode was titled Out of the Shadows and that is exactly what Stitchers did. It came back from the dead and decided they weren't done yet. I enjoy the show and can't wait to see what the season has in store. I'm warning you now this has spoilers from this episode and the season before.
First thing first, here is a promo to the season to come
Looks to be the season we all have been waiting for. Amazing right?
This episode was filled with back to back action. Every second was filled with something new. The episode starts off with Kristen still in her memory of her mom. For us it has been a year, for the team in the lab it has only been 3 long days. They have been trapped in the lab because some genius thought it would be a good idea to release Blair and his NSA goons from the interrogation room.
It takes three attempts to wake Kristen. The first attempt was last season which was when Cameron took over his younger self from the stitch in an attempt to make Kristen bounce.
IT DIDN'T WORK but he looks adorable while he tries Their second attempt was to reboot the the whole system in an attempt to force Kristen out of the stitch. That also DID NOT WORK. At this point everyone is ready to go home and temper are on the rise. Maggie wants to see her son and Linus really needs to know what happened to his dad. Someone seriously needs to tell him. The team takes a second to regroup after the second attempt doesn't work. While discussing they realize that they need to ask Fisher about some very important questions about his interview Ivy (Kristen's half-sister). So the goons get Fisher from the interrogation room where they stuck him because he was being uncooperative
I have never been into Fisher but he is looking GOOD in this clip. Thank you for the eye-candy. I truly appreciate it. When it turns out that Fisher and his team didn't ask Ivy directly about Stinger's technology they send in Linus to get the rest of the answers. Sadly, he fails at this task but he gets Ivy's smart watch which he then uses to call his mother to find out about his father. Sadly, his father passed while they were trapped in the lab and he also missed the funeral. Of course, he couldn't let anyone know in fear they would ask him how he found out but he did tell Camille. I'm sure you can see from the promo that my short lived dreams from Camille and Linus being a thing are in the dust.
(Anyone else feeling major feels right now. Seriously, why did I pick this gif...)
Moving on, the team makes one finally attempt to wake Kristen up by hijacking Kristen's mom from her memory. There is an up and down to this. On the plus side Kristen wakes up. On the down side she wakes up in tears. Cameron woke her up violently. I don't even want to talk about it, you can just watch.
Understandably it makes sense if Kristen is angry after this because there are no words. Yes, it was necessary but talk about hitting where it hurts.
Later, Kristen wakes up alone in her house with her sister Ivy left to fill in the gaps. Kristen finds out that the team was taken so what does she do. She, without thinking, goes to Blair and tries to get her team back. Kristen again threatens to leave the program if she doesn't get the team back. However, Blair doesn't believe her because once again he was hiding the truth from her. Guess what, Kristen's mom is alive and Blair is hiding her. Now we know from last season that Kristen's mom was kept in some kind of stasis pod. It turns out that Blair has Kristen's mom alive in some sort of coma. Kristen's mom was working on a project to advance the evolution of the brain. It worked so now the government wants it. Blair explains that all the stitches so far were training so that one day she can stitch into her mom, get the technology and bring her back.
So just to sum up, everyone that Kristen thought was dead is actually alive and the only truly dead person in her life is Ed- the man who raised her.
Since, Blair won't give Kristen back her team, she decides to take them for herself. She finds them with the help of Ivy and Tim using Ivy's smart watch. She breaks them out using false identity and 3-D printed fingerprints. She gets all the way to their room only to find out they are chilling comfortably in the room
They make it all the way outside then get caught by the cops who basically just send them back to their room. Then, guess who asks for a favor... Blair. His son died and he needs the team to stitch into him. Of course, no one wants to but Maggie convinces them it will be okay. In the stitch Kristen sees her dad and finds out that he killed Blair's son in order to give her a message. Anyone else feeling like Stinger may be a little crazy? Anyway, Kristen is reasonably hesitant to give Blair all the information but then her holds a gun the Camille's side so Kristen spills all that she saw. In the stitch Kristen also found a way to save her team.
Kristen once again uses a false identity to get a meeting with the Admiral aka Blair's boss. She blackmails the Admiral into getting her team back, removing Blair and returning her mom. The Admiral agrees in-order to keep the Stitchers Program a secret. In the end Kristen get the team back, Blair is removed and Maggie is the new head of the program.
Now the point we have been waiting for the last 3 seasons. I don't even want to talk about it. Just watch!!!
Honestly, this was a "drop the mic" moment but we have to question who said "You can't help if you're stuck in here". My guess is on the mother. If you notice there is a second when Kristen's mom goes calm. I believe that is when Kristen's mom takes control of the stitch and tries to rescue her daughter from her husband's idiotic plan. If you want re-watch the clip above. See if you can spot it.
And that ends the episode. Like I said filled with drama. Hopefully all the secrets are now "out of the shadows". I can't wait to see what this show has planned.
OMG the show is back and ready to prove it place as one of the best-book-turned-TV-shows of all time. You want to know why... because it KEEPS GETTING BETTER!
I'm warning you know this will have spoilers. SPOILERS- you've been warned
Okay to start off right, for those who haven't seen, this is a promo for the season to come. I would show the preview to only this episode but for some reason YouTube doesn't know how to separate their promo videos. WHATEVER I'm over it.
One of the many promos to 2b
Yum, Yum, Yum right. This season is sure to be full of drama and action.
Okay so 2x11 aka Mea Maxima Culpa
According to the ever handy google and google translate "mea maxima culpa" means I have failed. Let's see if we can figure out what this title was relating to in the episode
First thing first, the scene everyone and their mamma have been talking about. The Jace and Alec fight scene which is being dubbed Parabatai Training. It was so kind of the writers, editors, and producers to give us a beautiful demonstration of all the HARD work our favorite men have been doing. Now that their relationship is back to being solid, it's good to see these best friends being best friends
Look at them looking H.O.T. hot. Thank you. Is anyone feeling chemistry? If I didn't know any better I'd think they had something in the works but I do know better so and they don't... have anything going.
Moving on. For all the ... Climon fans out there, this episode is tortured gifted with a Climon scene that ends with a Jealous Jace moment
I know it's sad but Jealous Jace is so adorable. Do you remember from "part a" when Simon drank Jace's blood. Well, that did something to Simon, it changed him. He can know walk in the ... SUN
It's great that he can walk in the sun really. I'm excited for him... but this complicates my Clace plan. Climon fans this is all I'm giving you. Soak in those rays because the clouds are coming in.
Moving passed the Climon/Clace debate, there is a new villain in town.
His name is Azazel. Azazel has this really fun ability that he uses to turn people into a sand dust dirt. Look it was a gray substance.
What are your instincts telling you? Evil or really Evil. Nevertheless more eye candy on this show couldn't hurt. So after Azazel murders a bar filled with people he "accidentally" stumbles onto Izzy and guess what he is looking for. The cup... the cup that controls and creates more problems then these people can actually deal with.
Speaking of problems, Izzy has a bad, bad cause of the shakes
Big bro Alec is looking after his sis but he just doesn't know how to help. Izzy almost has a relapse which is why we find her trying to get a bite from Raphael. He refuses because he "really cares about her", a topic I am still debating. Izzy then goes looking for other vamps to cure her of her temors which is when she runs into Azazel and ... Sebastian. He comes to the rescue looking like trouble. The following is a clip I put together of Sebastian.
For those that know, doesn't this make sense. For those that don't, I thought it was fitting. Is there another song that you think fits?
Also just so everyone is aware if they try to make Sebastian and Izzy into something I will be done. Like all the way done. Also if it has to happen- which I hope it doesn't- they will not be called Sizzy. I 100% refuse to call them Sizzy. Who's with me!
Speaking of Raphael he was being super threatening towards my boo Simon.
Basically it went like this
Raphael: So I hear you can walk in the sun
Simon: Where did you hear that
R: A little birdie told me
S: Well... umm... that little birdie... lied
R: Did he?
S: ...
R: How did you do it? I'm older, you must tell me
S: I honestly told you everything
R: You better have
Trouble is definitely coming Simon's way, in more ways than one. The other one being Clace because guess what Jace and Clary ARE NOT BROTHER AND SISTER. We are no longer shipping incest- GO US!!! That is one of the major things I am looking forward to this season Clace and of course Malec
Speaking of Malec, we were able to get a few scenes from them in this episode but in my opinion they were kinda weak. Is that what happens after a passionate chase- chaste kisses and few conversations.But the scenes we did get show off their loyalty to each other and their friends. Because of Magnus, Alec had a semi-civil chat with Raphael about Izzy and we all know how Alec feels about Raphael. So in the end, I guess it was enough but I am demanding more from everyone-Clace and Malec and Sizzy (Simon and Izzy) if that happens.
On the Luke front, he has lost control of his pack because they believe he can no longer be trusted. The man ACCIDENTALLY got the whole pack killed. How was he to know that Jace's touch would activate the sword? Literally know one but Valentine and his minions knew that Jace or Clary would activate the sword. Anyway, there is only Maia and a few others left in the pack. Luke also has a new partner. I can't tell if she is genuinely nosing or if she is a spy for someone.
My bet is that she and Sebastian are teaming up with Val. That seems like a good team. Val would be the mastermind, Sebastian would go undercover in the Institute and with the team, and the partner has Luke covered. All bases are set... batter up!
Finally, we get to the end of the episode, the cliff-hanger that sets up the next episode. During the episode Clace, Malec, and Val summon Azazel because they originally thought that Azazel had Izzy. You know what you can just watch the clip
Did you see? Did ya? Okay watch it again because something very important happened that I didn't get at first. You are going to want to watch it again once you see the promo to the next episode. This is one thing I am not going to spoil.
To make a complete circle. "I have failed" or Mea Maxima Culpa. Can you tell what the title was trying to tell us? Because I couldn't see many failures except the good guys are once again setting themselves up to be blinded by the bad guys. What do you think?
By my judgement, this episode set up the season and I can't wait for more.
Here is a promo to the next episode
What did I tell you. Now go back to the clip and see the clue you missed. Did you get it now? Don't worry I also had to re-watch it to get it.
Hope you enjoy my review. There is more to come. Google plus me to stay updated also follow me on TvTime my user is hidden32. I will be posting my reactions and some memes