Saturday, July 6, 2013

Let’s bring back 10 for 12- DOCTOR WHO

The following pic explains it





Do whatever and get the word out. Let’s bring back David Tennant and maybe he’ll bring Rose. :)

Thursday, July 4, 2013


xewSo as you can tell from a pervious post, I have been watching Doctor Who. if you didn’t already know, Doctor Who is a show on BBC and has been on twice. What I mean by that is there is an earlier version then there is the version I’ve watched that started in 2005.

This post is going to be about all I know and everything I feel about Doctor Who up to season 7 which  recently ended. This post will include major spoilers, so if you haven’t already watched/caught herself up on Doctor Who, you may not want to read this.



So let’s start with my favorite Rose.

The 9th Doctor played by Christopher Eccleston. One thing you should always remember about The Doctor is his real name has been revealed yet.( There is rumors saying that in the 50th Anniversary Special the question Doctor Who? will finally be answered) I should probably catch you up with everything there is to know about the doctor.

  • He’s from Gallifery
  • He technically doesn’t die but he does Regenerate. Regeneration is the process in which The Doctor changes his face
  • His spaceship is the Time And Relative Dimension In Space aka the TARDIS
  • He always has a companion
  • His companions aka his friends always leave him whether they want to or not.
  • He’s lonely and the last of his kindps
  • He’s a hero, a warrior,and a weapon
  • In simplest terms he is The Doctor

In season one The Doctor’s companion and later love is Rose Tyler played by Billie Piper.  Rose Tyler was just a regular 19 year old girl who was bored with her life. Then she met The Doctor and her world changed forever. Rose and The Doctor travel through time and space saving worlds, defeating alien armies, and falling in love.ui But while The Doctor and Rose travel the universe, Jackie,Rose’s mother,and Mickey,Rose’s ex-boyfriend, wait at home for their return. Throughout season one Rose picks up strays. By strays I mean boys she and The Doctor save and she wants to keep. The Doctor let’s her, of course, but the strays always end up being trouble. There are a few episodes in which Mickey and Jackie tag along throughout the seasons but in the end it’s always The Doctor and Rose. Rose and The Doctor encounter many friends including the infamous Captain Jack Harkness. You may know Jack Harkness from Torchwood in which his story continues after and between Doctor Who- it depends on which season you see him in. Anyway at the end of season 1 The Doctor regenerates into the 10th Doctor. When the 9th Doctor was serious,strangely funny, and determined, pathe 10th Doctor is adorable, funny, kind of rude, and has amazing hair. The 10th Doctor is played by the beloved David Tennant. bgThe 10th Doctor’s journey first begins with the lovely Rose Tyler. Rose is a little worried about The Doctor’s new look, but after on epic battle in which he defeats an alien in his PJs all worries disappear. Because only The Doctor can defeat an alien army and grow a new hand all on the same day. In the battle the alien cuts off his right hand but it grows back because he’s still in his regeneration phase. One could say that for the following episodes The Doctor and Rose are in their honeymoon phase.ko56

In a later episode Mickey joins The Doctor, Rose, and Captain Jack; it is there that Mickey comes to terms that he lost Rose because it will always be The Doctor and Rose. Battles are won and trouble brewserrr all through time and space as the meaning for one last epic battle comes into play. People are lost, things are done, and The Doctor and Rose will never be the same.

co. But let’s hold that though and talk about 2 other companions. We had the brief pleasure of meeting Donna. She’s a smart-mouth. almost know-it-all, and a friend to The Doctor. She is briefly with him then we see her later in the season. After that one episode with Donna we meet Martha. I will like to say sorry to Martha, because no one will ever we care for her because she came after Rose, when everyone was still hurt because we all love Rose. Anyway, Martha is training to become a medical doctor. Sadly, while she travels with The Doctor she falls for him and make everything complicated. Martha leaves The Doctor to nurse her broken heart and that’s when we get to see Donna again. Donna is second on my favorite companion list; tied with the Ponds. Donna became one of The Doctor’s best friends;it also helps that she didn’t fall for The Doctor. She’s funny, to the point, and a little rude.kjxcgvsjvShe, like Rose and Martha, stable The Doctor’s wrath. In the final episode of the 10th Doctor all out friends meet for one final save the world battle. At the end Mickey and Martha end up together; Captain Jack continues to better Torchwood; The Doctor leaves Rose in a parallel universe not because he wants to but because he has to. kljeafkle678But before he leaves her for good The Doctor gives her his hand. The hand that is now The Doctor 2.0. xdDonna was made to forget all things related to The Doctor for her safety,sanity, and life. Thus truly ending the 10th Doctor and his friends time together.The 10th Doctor/9th Doctor’s friends were some of the greatest and it literally bought tears to my eyes to see them go. Plus, I but the 10th Doctor was jealous that his 2.0 got to stay with Rose and he couldn’t. Then again who wouldn’t be jealous of 2.0 he got to keep Rose even I’m jealous of 2.0. At the arrival of the 11th Doctor we no longer see any of these friends.sadIt is then that we meet the Ponds.nkjRory Williams and Amy Pond the greatest love story ever seen.  They have the most complicated and adventurous love story ever. Let’s not forget the strange story of their TARDIS born baby Melody Pond aka River Song- told you there be spoilers. The following pic is a great explainer for what happens.80The Ponds end up being the 11th Doctor’s best friends. And they travel with him most of the times and sometimes with the help of the 11th Doctor’s wife River/Melody Song/Pond.dkoThen, when the Ponds leave The Doctor meets Clara Oswin Osward and that’s where everyone is at for this story. weloStay tuned on BBC for the 11th Doctor’s last episode aka the 50th Anniversary in which they bring back 10 2.0 and Rose.334The reason MILLIONS will die in Novemberfo

TaTa for now….


<left to right> (11, 10, 9)


Some memorable words said by 9, 10, and 11


The Doctor’s Girls <top to bottom>(Martha, Rose, River, Amy, Donna)


The Companion Song


True thoughts of a WhoviandfThe story of Romeo and Juliet or of Rose Tyler and The Doctordsg

More depth of The Doctor’s companionser

Their first kiss it wasn’t the real Rose. The last kiss it’s not the real, real Doctorld


Love separated by time and space- unfairmk

Donna and The Doctor friends 4everhjThe Doctor’s friends and some of these sayings.

<left to right> (Donna, 11, Clare, River, Mickey, Captain Jack)kxcfvzdjldfsfkl

This speaks for itself




May be a look into the 50th Anniversay… or notte

The Reason the TARDIS is blue.voIf you sing the words with the beat it so funny ;)xvkgs You just say it didn’t you. LOL.

That’s all folks

Guess What I Finally Watched


Yesterday, my family and I rented Redbox movies. We got Beautiful Creatures, Warm Bodies, and Horrid Henry the Movie.

09Beautiful Creatures was AMAZING. I loved how they changed it for the movie. Plus, I nearly cried because of what was happening at the end but then he- I’m not saying who- pulled the car over. Then, I literally stood up and started dancing and saying “I rock cheesecake”. My family looked at me like I was crazy too.



099Warm Bodies was truly different. I mean the love story was beautiful and the movie was AMAZINGLY written but me and my family felt  a bit awkward in the beginning. Luckily we thought R was cute so all awkwardness was forgotten. In the end, it was still a 41/2 star rated movie.





0999Horrid Henry the Movie was ridiculously hilarious. All the characters had British accents which made it even more funny. There was singing, slow motion, and ridiculous scenes that made no sense. It’s family friendly and completely worth your time.

I recommend all three movies- check them out.